Yep this is not cancelled… But the development, and brainstorms are two things that I didn’t think it would be so slow.

So, I will upload or will already be uploading a  devlog so that you have more information about what I have been doing these last two months.

Link to the Devlog: (Coming Soon) Enjoy.


Sip, esto no esta cancelado... pero el desarrollo y las lluvias de ideas son dos cosas que no pensaria que serian tan lentas, pero bueno al fin y acabo los juegos no se crean en un dia.

Asi que, subiere o ya estara subido un devlog en donde dare mas información sobre lo que he estado haciendo estos dos ultimos meses. 

Link del Devlog: (pronto) Difruten.

(Original Post April 26)

This is my entry for the Gamedev.js Jam 2024, my frist idea was make two proyect 1 week one and another the next week, but time ran out on me, among other things like university, etc.

So maybe the next time i will make something better, i guess sometime a little thing is better that nothing :D

Had fun 

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